Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday update - post surgery

Mishiah really started improving today.  She did sleep off and on most of the morning and we were still having quite a bit of trouble getting her to drink anything.  So this afternoon we decided to unhook her from everything and take her to the play area.  We spent about an hour there and she really wore herself out.  She came back to the room and took a pretty good nap.  We tried several items but had a pretty hard time getting her to "eat" much of anything.  She had about 1/4 of a cup of jello but it was very slow going.....we finally got the bright idea that since she's so strong willed we'd need to trick her into thinking she was feeding herself.  So we sat her in front of Lucius on the floor and let her take spoons of chocolate pudding but assisted the spoon into her mouth so she wouldn't go in too far and hurt her mouth...she ended up eating about 1/2 the pudding and an apple juice this evening.  She's now off the I.V. and since she's seeing improvement on drinking and taking in liquidy foods, it looks like we'll probably be going home tomorrow morning!

Thank you for all your prayers!

Pre-op Conversation with Mishiah

Conversation with Mishiah this afternoon

A little playtime

Wednesday afternoon pics:


Proof dinosaurs mammals and birds all roamed the earth together...

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Update - Mishiah's Surgery

Well, we haven't posted to the blog site in a while...but just to update everyone, Mishiah had her surgery this morning to repair her the cleft in her palate.  We got in to Kansas City yesterday for her pre-op appointment and then took her out for a good pasta dinner (her favorite) last night.  None of us slept that well in the hotel last night and we were back here at Children's Mercy this morning at 6 am.  After meeting with the ENT, the surgeon and the audiology team, they took her back for surgery at 7:30.

They put the tubes in her ears first (fluid in the ears is common for cleft babies), then the audiology team did the brainstem test (basically just placing electric sensors on her head to detect how her brain responds to different sounds/levels).  They said her hearing is perfect now that the fluid is off.  Then the surgeon went in around 9:00 am to repair the cleft.  She got our of surgery around 10:45 and into recovery.  We were finally able to go up to see her just before noon.

She's pretty much slept all afternoon and when she's not sleeping she very cranky, which is very understandable of course.  She's on Lortab so that seems to be helping with the pain but it only helps so much and all the wires and hoses coming off her everywhere are not something she likes either.  So please just continue to pray for her that she'll start drinking more (painful for her to swallow right now) and that the pain will start subsiding and the healing will begin.

We'll keep you posted but here are some pre-op photos...we'll post more photos and updates as we get them.

Thank you for your prayers!

Pre-Op Pics

Post Surgury